Post Capitalistic Auction
POST CAPITALISTIC AUCTION is a performative event, a real and alternative auction. The performativity reveals during the presentation of the bidders, the dialogue and debate between the artists, advisors and bidders, and the decisions of the artists. The project is planned as on-going series in different cities and contexts to investigate in different art ecologies and social economies. I will collaborate will auctioneer, artists, advisers from the host cities. Following the same concept and framework, each edition in different cities will be a unique auction/performance. Right now, Post Capitalistic Auction has taken place in two cities, Bergen and Yokohama. Read more about the concept here
March 15th - 16th. 2018 @ Bergen, Norway
The premier in Bergen Norway was a two-day event: vernissage and panel debate on March 15th, The vernissage is and art auction on March16th. 8 artworks were auctioned, including painting, sculpture, sound installation, wood print, textile work, concpetual art, interactive installation, art book. KUNZT reported performance and comments on this project as "probably the yearly coolest art concept in Norway." Read more about the artists and artworks
Latest edition - TPAM Direction 2019
Yokohama Japan, Feburary 14th.
Invited by TPAM (Performing Art Meetings in Yokohama), Post Capitalistic Auction took took place on February 14th, 2019 with three days preview of artworks before the auction. Real auctioneer from Est - Ouest Auction House in Tokyo hosted the auction. PCA received 597 audience in venue to pre-view the artwork and to participate in the auction. Besides, the auction was lively broadcasted by website Dommune and received 20882 audience to watch the livestream online. Participating artists including Tim Etchells, Daito Manabe, Kenjiro Okazaki, BCL, Chelfitsch. Read more about the artists, artworks and advising panel.
Upcoming edition - Harbourfront Center
In each city, a catalogue containing a preface for different edition, auction rules, artists and artworks for is handed out before performance to the audience .
Supported by Nordic Council of Ministers, Post Capitalistic Auction will have its third edition at Harbourfront Center, one of the biggest cultural complexes in Toronto in December 2022.
Yokohama edition(click on the photo)
Bergen edition (click on the photo)
Media coverage
Co-production: BIT Teatergarasjen, Bergen Kunsthall, TPAM, Harbourfront Center
Funding body: Art Council of Norway, Bergen Municipality, Fritt Ords Norge (Free words Norway), FFUK, The Audio and Visual Fund, City of Bergen, Performing Arts Hub Norway, Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs,Nordic Council of Ministers